Monday, October 15, 2012

Hollywood heroines: Here to stay?

Image of Brave's heroine, Merida Brave's Merida is the first all-action heroine in a Pixar Movie
Hollywood has given us a number of female action heroes this year, with films like The Hunger Games - but is this a fad or a lasting trend, asks journalist Krystina Nellis?
Three of this year's top 10 movies have a female protagonist. The toughened heroines of The Hunger Games, Snow White and the Huntsman, and Disney's Brave are standing shoulder-to-shoulder with Batman, Spider-Man and the Men In Black.
It might not seem unusual - but if you examine the end-of-year charts for the rest of the 21st Century, only two female-fronted films have ever broached the top 10, and both were comedies: My Big Fat Greek Wedding in 2002, and Mamma Mia in 2008.
When there have been female action heroes, they have been forced to share the limelight - think Angelina Jolie v Brad Pitt in Mr and Mrs Smith.
Of this year's crop, 3D animation Brave (released in the UK on 13 August) stands out because it has been dubbed Pixar's first "girl hero" movie; one of the first such Hollywood films aimed primarily at children, influenced by the likes of Japan's Spirited Away, with its focus on young girls within fantastical environments.
Jennifer Lawrence in The Hunger Games Jennifer Lawrence played the resourceful Katniss Everdeen in The Hunger Games
If it heralds a trend, though, it is a "very long and slowly developing" one, according to Empire magazine's Dan Jolin.
He points out that it has been 33 years since the "very significant" casting of Sigourney Weaver in seminal sci-fi film Alien.
"And not as a victim or as a scream queen, but as a physically and mentally capable person."
Weaver's character, Ellen Ripley, was not "a warrior woman, which has become more prevalent," Jolin notes. "She's just a very capable person who happens to be a woman."
Yet decades have passed since Ripley first defeated an alien. Why has it taken so long to dream up similarly smart and tough heroines?
Tony Gilroy, director of The Bourne Legacy, is pragmatic. He says the main reason is "because [men have] controlled everything for so long".
"Gradually, as we lose control, things will get better," he laughs.
Maternal instinct
One legendary character, Sarah Connor from the Terminator films, is forced into action by that most feminine of instincts - protective motherhood.
Conversely, The Hunger Games' Katniss Everdeen, is protective of her sister, whose place she takes in a televised death match. But she shows notably little desire to become a parent herself. Even her romance is partly for show.
Noomi Rapace in Prometheus Noomi Rapace played the Ripley-esque female protagonist in Prometheus
In contrast, Black Widow - Scarlett Johansson's character in this summer's Avengers Assemble - is defined by a strength and intelligence that makes her easily the equal of her technologically-modified beefcake colleagues.
And Noomi Rapace was gifted Prometheus' most disturbing scene, a uniquely female take on Alien's notorious chest-burster sequence, which acts as a symbolic rejection of unconditional motherly love.
The actress relished the opportunity to get inside a more complex character, remarking that "it's so much more fun to play someone with lots of layers".
"There's so many things you can work on instead of being just sweet," the Swedish star continues.
Teenage boys
Stepping away from the bombast of 21st Century blockbusters, it becomes apparent that mainstream cinema once embraced more complex female characters.
However, they were often framed in the context of "women's films", romances and melodramas like Mildred Pierce, which earned its star Joan Crawford an Oscar in 1946.
The film noir sees Crawford's character defined by her struggle to provide for her ruinous daughter, minus a hero figure.
The actress - who went on to become a director of the Pepsi-Cola company - played a number of dramatically sophisticated female characters throughout her career, and earned another Oscar nomination for 1947's Possessed, in which she portrayed a mentally ill woman.
Joan Crawford Joan Crawford rose from the chorus line to become one of Hollywood's leading ladies
When asked if she ever worried the career women she played might make her "hard", Crawford simply responded: "No no, I save that for the screen. I harness that intensity, and I hold it," demolishing the myth that strong female characters are, by default, hardened.
Talking to David Frost in 1970, Crawford declared her favourite role "naturally, Mildred Pierce - I was lucky".
Later that decade, female protagonists started to come into their own.
Ripley's survival in Alien, even ahead of "leading man" Tom Skerritt, turned Sigourney Weaver into an overnight A-list star.
Ultimately, though, it is one's ability to "open" a film solely on the strength of one's name that is crucial.
Anne Hathaway, currently playing Catwoman in The Dark Knight Rises, credits Meryl Streep, her co-star in The Devil Wears Prada, for boosting feminine dominance at the multiplex.
"Meryl really showed women can drive the box office," she explains. "Because women go to the movies more than men, people are starting to take note of that."
Teenage boys have long been regarded as the multiplex Holy Grail. It is surely no accident, then, that even the current crop of heroines sport supermodel looks.
"It's not just about getting women into cinemas to enjoy these films," says Dan Jolin. "I think there's a realisation that men enjoy it too.
"You only have to look at the Resident Evil films for example, or Milla Jovovich's entire career really, to get that watching her kick ass is a turn-on for the guys.
"The trend isn't necessarily empowering, but perhaps a lot of feminists would want it to be."
Sir Ridley Scott's confirmation that his forthcoming Blade Runner sequel will "definitely be featuring a female protagonist" reinforces the current popularity of complex heroines.
Christian Bale and Anne Hathaway in The Dark Knight Returns Anne Hathaway joins Christian Bale as cat burglar Selina Kyle in The Dark Knight Rises
The director's statement is significant because of what Jolin calls Blade Runner's "very male-skewed universe... [produced] in the style of a classic noir where women are femme fatales, they're not the protagonists".
So the war isn't won yet, as Hathaway admits. "I don't think it's necessarily a change yet," she says. "I think it's more about opportunities."
Film studios will certainly have taken notice of the strong box office performance of Snow White, Prometheus and Brave. In fact, that could help Hathaway secure a spin-off for her Catwoman character.
But progress could just as easily slip back: Hollywood is always desperate for something new to sell, and while female action heroes are this year's trend, next year it could be talking monkeys or CGI bicycles.
Yet Tony Gilroy is optimistic that the lot of movie heroines is changing for the better.
"God, I hope so," he says.
"I have a 16-year-old daughter and I want that to be part of her imagination."

1.  Do you think that having a female heroine is a "fad" or the "now" thing?
2.  Do you take a female heroine as seriously as a male? Why/why not?
3.  How do we get females in more powerful roles?


  1. I think it's the now thing because anybody can be a hero nowadays. It shouldn't matter what gender you are if you somebody's hero well than so be it. yes because you have some females that are physically, mentally and emotionally better than some men in this world.People who have the pride and know they can do it just need to audition and prove to people that not only men can be in powerful roles and we have movies to prove it.

    1. 1. Do you think that having a female heroine is a "fad" or the "now" thing?
      Yes, It is a fad because just years ago , females were not seen as warriors or leaders in todays society,They were seen as housemaids and etc.

      2. Do you take a female heroine as seriously as a male? Why/why not? No , because women are not ment to be fighting in wars/battles , that is a mans duty to serve and protect a woman, Only person a woman serves in battle is the boost the moral of a man or support him.
      3. How do we get females in more powerful roles?
      By letting them take control of what they please , instead of controlling what they should and shouldnt do

    2. I agree that society shouldnt control what females do or doesnt do

    3. I agree with you when you mention that "some females that are physically, mentally and emotionally better than some men in this world" because that is true. However, it gets overshadowed because the male is "stronger."

    4. I agree with your opinion about it shouldnt matter about if you are a male or female; every body could be a hero.

    5. I disagree because some women are more fit than men to fight in wars and battles.

  2. 1.) i think its a "now" thing because now of day women can be heros and other thing instead of a house wife.

    2.)yes i do because i feel a women save a men just as much as a man can save a women so it doesnt matter.

    3.)i think by having female stand up for themselfs and have them show that they can do as much as a male can.

    1. thats true that now women can be something other than a house wife and women can do anything a man can do

    2. i agree with you when you said a female can do as much as male can. A female can do anything as long as their mind is set to it. it doesnt matter what gender they are.

    3. I agree because women are more powerful then they are seen.

  3. Aaliyah White

    Yes,I believe female heroine is a "now" thing because females have never had a more noticeable role. Women have always had to be behind the scenes and now that they are exposed and its awesome. Now a days in the films thats coming out the women heroine roles is what people want to see. The men roles are old and women are just coming so fresh. If women start being seen as more dominant they will have more powerful rules

    1. I agree to everything you had said. Yes, females never had a more noticeable role (only if you show their sexual "beauty")and not that it's more out there, people are noticing that, yes, females can take a male hero role.

    2. okay, so now i'm starting to change my answer because i agree with what your saying.

  4. 1.I think having a female as a hero is the new thing going now.

    2.I don't think a female hero will ever be serious than a male. They are not the look that you want to see when its a serious roll being played.

    3.Female be in rolls that a male should play is could of tricky to do. I think females rolls should be a females roll, they don't fit male rolls.

    1. I feel as though you are wrong, a female hero can be more serious than a male because I, a female, will have something to prove. Basicly everything handed is to a man and some good heathly competition will be good for him.

    2. I dont agree with your opinion about a female heroine not being as serious as a male hero. Feamle roles would fit a male role just as good.

    3. I disagee with you I think females are just as serious as male heros. There is nothing a male hero can do that a female hero can not.

    4. I disagree also because there a handful of feale heroes in this world. There are more males who influence others to do bad than there are females.

    5. i disagree because females can do more than males and they can be more influencing to boys and barron i aint trying to hear it.

    6. i disagree because female can do more or as much as a male.

    7. i agree with barron females will never be better than a male and a male will not be better than a male god made us equal

    8. I disagree because females are capable of all things just as a man is.

  5. I think having a females as a hero is the "now" thing because back in the day, there was only a handful of females as heroes. However, now that you think about it, you can name more than before now that the list continue to grow. A females heroine is more intense that a male. Males might not know it, but us females can have more "power" than them. Screenwriters and casting directors should let a female play a male hero part and see if she can do it better than anyone else.

    1. I understand where you come from be I think that them handful of females hero was a gateway to whats in the making right now.

    2. 1. I dont think having a female hero better than having a male hero because it takes more than physical strength and a female is mentally stronger than a male.
      2.I would take a female hero as serious as a male hero because i dont see a difference besides the sex gender.
      3.We get female in more powerful roles by not being sympathetic and allowing them to do what men do.

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. I think that having a female heroine is a fad.Think the women is the back bone to a family and this society. Its the 21 century its time for women to evolve and take things to the next level. And I think that is what these women is doing in these movies.I take a female heroine very seriously.I feel like you dont have to be a man to do something good or heroic like wonder women , superwomen, elastic girl,even the Power Puff.We got to keep putting it in movies, bookes, games these that people do and or see everyday.We got to let it be known.

    1. i wouldnt say they are the back bone but they play a important part depending on the families situation

  8. I think having a new female heroine is the new thing out now. Showing girl power is the new trend. I take a female heroine just as seriously as a male because they are just as powerful, sometimes smarter. For example, in the movie The Hunger Games, Katniss was the strongest and was very intellegient when it comes to surviving better than Peeta and the other contestants. We get more females in powerful roles by showing the strength in females from all around the world. (Disney princesses.)

    1. I agree because females are the same as males if not better, so it only makes sense that they are better heros as well.. Women can be just as strong and in my opinon they handle many issues way better.

  9. 1. I think having a female heroine is the now thing, because women are becoming more and more important in todays setting. We have a first lady that's always in the spot lady and girls want to grow up and be like these heros that they see in the movies and real life.

    2. Yes I take a female heroine as seriously as a male hero, they are the same if not a little bit better. Male heros always have this since of pride that often cause unnecessary issues and female heros dont. They know how to handle issues with the right touch.

    3. we can get females in more powerful roles, by having more stronger females in the spolight, instead of the ones they have now. We need more women to get recognize for the good things they do.

    1. I agree with what you said because if we don't get any new positive women, nothing is going to change.

    2. I agree yes females need to get recognized for greater things.

  10. I think having a female heroine is a fad because more females these days are doing less things to be positive and more thing that are negative. They are degrading themselves instead of being a positive role model on young girls now.
    I don't take no one seriously because can't no one influence me to do anything but myself.
    I think we can get more females in powerful roles by having group classes every week that talk about all the negative in the world and have them ready to make a difference.

  11. i think a female heroine is just a fad because people are use to seeing males being a hero. Males have done more and have more action. People look forward to actions movies.

    i take a female heroine serious because it's unique that a female can be a hero. i take it just like a male heroine because they're doing they same thing and they're fighting and standing uo for what they believe in. It doesn't matter how their being a hero, they're doing the same thing.

    1. i agree taking females serious just as males because we do the same thing maybe even better.

    2. I agree because If a woman is putting her life on the line for someone just like a male, she deserves all the respect that he gets.

    3. I agree women have the rights to do the excally same thing a male does

  12. 1. i think its a now thing because females can be heros now a days you just dont have to jump and building and save somebody its other things, it can be somrthing little.
    2. yes because i feeel females can do just as much as males if not better. lettting us females do more instead of thinking we should sit around and take care of kids. let us explore more.

  13. i agre because i think people discreminate females from what males do

  14. 1.i think it's a fad female super heros have always been around
    2. i do take them seriously because they have alot to prove and they teach us a differnt lesson than a male
    3. we not only have women in our epic heros but also in history so females are in powerful roles they just have to show that they are not infeeior to men

  15. 1. I believe that ahaving a female is a now thing because a hero can come in all shapes and sizes. It dosent matter if she's a female.
    2. I do take her seriously because if she is risking her life to save others, she has my respect and I would definetly take her seriously.
    3.We get them more powerfull roles by speaking up and helping them get more recignition.

  16. 1: Do you think that having a female heroine is a "fad" or the "now" thing?
    I believe its a fad because when you look in the past all superheroes were always men and a few movies wont make the entire entertainment business change up their characters.

    2. Do you take a female heroine as seriously as a male? Why/why not?
    Yes because just as male heroes go in to save the day, female heroes can do the same they are just looked at differently and have higher expectations because its unlikely.

    3. How do we get females in more powerful roles?
    As a female we have to be recognized as not dependent but independent. I believe that is why males are seen as heroes because they are seen as dominant. there are many women who do what they have to without a man in their background. If they were recognized then we would have more female heroes.

  17. 1: I believe that having a female heroine is a "now thing" and for awhile now theres been them few female heroine like wonder women n catwomen.

    2: Yes I take them just as serious as a man, Women have fought for equal rights so use them as much as you can.

    3:Just as said before females have to step their game up to where a man is already at. More emphasis is needed towards women just as much or maybe even more
